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Hello and welcome!

I am Christopher Biel and its my pleasure to share the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. 

Image by Content Pixie

Before I share my story, I would like to mention a few points: 

  • You were guided to find me. If I’ve learned anything from years of healing work, Spirit steered you my way to assist on your journey.

  • I am here to provide a combination of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing that will advance your life and connect you to Spirit. You create the change, I am here to guide and support you towards your goals.  

  • It never ceases to amaze me how many deep connections are shared with my people. I call my clients “my people” because you are way more than clients.

  • I am excited to meet you and connect. And for many of you this won’t be the first life time our souls have communed. ​

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Although my life path is continuously evolving, the passing of time reveals more truths about my soul, enriches this incarnation with purpose, and clarifies the story of my life. 


I have been extremely blessed with amazing experiences, friends, and resources that have aided in a deeper understanding of myself. So lets start with this lifetime!


Spirit has been guiding me from the moment I entered this earth. This was evident when my Father spontaneously chose my name on the day I was born. His deviation from the plan surprised everyone. I’ve come to learn that Spirit was working with my Father and the name Christopher was chosen to direct my life path as a healer. 


Growing up with loving parents and three older siblings in a stable home, my childhood environment was fairly normal. However, my disposition was a little different than my siblings and peers. As a young toddler I spoke of things that grabbed my parents attention. Couple this with strange night time disturbances and I was officially the “weird” child of the four. 


In attempt to redirect this energy, I was sent to school early for creative art classes. Over time the combination of art, sports, music, and friends seized most of my attention. As a result my disposition became more in line with my peers. But if truth be told, my unique perspectives of this reality and strange nightly experiences never really went away. Instead I suppressed them to avoid scrutiny from those around me.


As life continued various physical ailments began to surface. Answers to these issues were unclear and hard to find. The best explanation one doctor gave me was “bad luck”. But being unlucky was unacceptable. Deep down I knew true answers to healing were out there waiting to be discovered. These challenges inspired me to look further and my passion for wellness was born. 


Once in college, I went on to study health sciences and soon realized the material was limited in its teachings. Nevertheless I graduated and later worked professionally in research for many years.  As a clinical researcher at several major New York hospitals, I analyzed clinical outcomes and operations to advance the practice of medicine. Clinical research provided a candid view of the strengths and weaknesses of western medicine. I evaluated the intricacies of many hospital settings including operating rooms, pain management clinics, labor and delivery, palliative care, and more. Many great doctors (anesthesiology, oncology, surgery, and more) blessed me with wisdom in their area of expertise. But after years of experience, it was easy to conclude that the weaknesses of western medicine outweigh its strengths in many cases. This pushed me to examine natural approaches of healing.


The greatest influence on my path began in my early twenties. It was during this time that three family members suffered life threatening diseases that led to their eventual passing. Words cannot describe the tremendous level of loss that I felt. The lessons learned throughout this time surpassed any collegiate education. I gained profound insights about medicine, true healing, life, and myself. 


In regards to medicine, I became disillusioned with the western medical model after observing my family members experience. The level of care for my loved ones lacked in many ways. Simply put, western medicine often uses an oversimplified approach to complex diseases. I believe an integrative approach corrects this problem and is crucial to achieving long term health. (Note: To be clear areas of western medicine such as emergency medicine, orthopedics, surgery, and other acute care departments provide exceptional treatment.)  

I came to learn that true healing requires careful attention to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the person. This process starts with the mind. You must gain enough knowledge to comprehend a pathway towards your goal. I am here to provide that wisdom. 


Through my own healing, I realized that life is filled with opportunities to advance the soul evolution. It’s the challenging experiences that tend to create the most growth. For some, we strive to overcome childhood difficulties. For others we work to heal from chronic illness. And for us all its inevitable we will face the loss of those we love dearly at some point. But it is not the challenge that defines us. Rather its what we learn from these moments and how we use it. Do we use it to uplift or do we use it to bring others down? You get to choose. I’ve chosen a pathway of service to others in need. 


I’m grateful for all of the experiences that have influenced my life. Each step of the way seems to awaken another part of me; strengthening my connection to Spirit and amplifying my healing abilities. I know the biggest shifts are on their way. Part of my mission is to utilize my wisdom and unique perspectives to guide you back to Spirit as well. This conscious reunion will result in healing on multiple levels and direct you towards the life you desire. I am excited about the future and look forward to sharing our journeys with one another!

© 2021 

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