The practice of meditation can have profound effects on one’s life. The word meditation stems from the Latin word meditatum, which means "to ponder." Furthermore, the word meditate can be defined as to “think deeply or focus ones mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.”
There are a variety of ways one may practice meditation. I often utilize a multifaceted approach that may include:
breath work (pranayama)
chanting (mantra)
eye focus (drishti)
hand postures (mudras)
body postures (asanas)
body locks (bandhas)
This active type of approach tends to resonate with a wide demographic of people because it allows the individual to remain focused on the practice, free of intruding thoughts or stimuli. Meditating in this manner can help to calm the mind, clear stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and gain clarity on your life. Many also report feeling physically healthier from a steady meditative practice.
Meditation is appropriate for everyone regardless of age, spiritual beliefs, physical ability, and experience.
Session Information
Duration: 50 minutes
Cost: $150